Truth, Justice, and Repentance

Episode 132 October 25, 2021 01:42:14
Truth, Justice, and Repentance
Black On Both Sides
Truth, Justice, and Repentance

Oct 25 2021 | 01:42:14


Show Notes

Black On Both Sides Episode #132

How many of you know Superman’s motto? I certainly don’t. But leave it to our resident comic book junkie to tell us that Life, Justice, and America…or something like that is the motto. Well, all of that is changing. Why? Because we have convinced ourselves that America is evil. We need to exorcise our demons and beg for forgiveness. You see it as a simple modification to a comic book motto. I see it as the end of the fabric upon which we stand. Maybe Condi Rice can push back the hoard with some white apologist talk.

Truth, Justice, and Repentance #BOBS132

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