Episode #64 Kaep put together his own tryout only after the NFL gave him 3 days to get ready for theirs. Well, that and the fact that they did it on a Saturday. Then revoked all media access. The fix is in. Kaep didn’t make it easy to scout him with his Kunta Kente shirt and aggressive post speech.
Who is an electable democrat? All of the candidates are unelectable save for Joe Biden. But can he win with his almost racist past?
Kunta takes time to lay out why the Ukraine is of the utmost importance to the success of the rest world not named Russia. Kunta breaks down the hearings and proves how tone deaf Trump is to the whole thing. This is evidenced by his real-time live tweet threatening a former ambassador.
Trump is Hard of Hearings #BOBS064
Episode #47 This epsiode marks one year in the books for Kunta and I. We appreciate each and every one of you for supporting...
Black On Both Sides Episode (Pandemic Times) Governors are considering opening the country again. However, no other Governor is quite like Georgia’s. He is...
Black On Both Sides Episode #82 It’s true. We may have spent far too long dissecting the Versuz battle between Jilly from Philly and...