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Stout Flaut
Black On Both Sides Episode #147 For all of you that just knew your student loan debt would be forgiven...Not So Fast. There are...

Don't Unionize My Fries
Black On Both Sides Episode #146 Kunta likes it when I am nerdy so we discuss House of Dragons right out of the gate....

Put That **** On
Black On Both Sides Episode #145 Kunta finally found something that we can be nerds together on. House of Dragons is already looking like...

I'm Not Worth Your McD's Money?
Black On Both Sides Episode #144 Kunta spent a whole lot of money (not the AB song) on his kid's birthday week. Since when...

Overturning America
Black On Both Sides Episode #143 Kunta took a visit of the new Tupac museum in LA.From what he is saying this is a...

She's Qualified...But No
Black On Both Sides Episode #142 I am fresh off of a Jamaican vacation. Kunta's favorite getaway is Jamaica, but I didn't get the...