Triage In This Bia #BoBs005

Episode 5 July 09, 2018 01:38:09
Triage In This Bia #BoBs005
Black On Both Sides
Triage In This Bia #BoBs005

Jul 09 2018 | 01:38:09


Show Notes

Episode #5 The EPA is cleaning house and KingKunta's happiness is short-lived as he realizes that the man slated to take Pruitt's place is a former coal lobbyist. Need I say that coal is obviously on the comeback trail? Either way, Pruitt was not the right guy for the job. We can both agree on that. But the show isn't over. We completely disagree on the border issues that still plague this administration. I totally see the issue with having to solve the border issue as being a complex one. KingKunta feels like triage is necessary when it comes to the kids. The first goal should be to right the wrongs of orphaning these kids. I would prefer to fix the underlying issue first.

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