Episode #16
This show is brought to you by spotty Wi-Fi. This just lets you know how seriously we take this show. We want more that anything to get you a great show every week. Please pardon our technical issues this week.
Kunta is on the WuChainz and not on the T.I. Everyone likes Wayne’s project. 2 Chainz further proves that he is a star and is not willing to let you put him in a box. This may be why he is still rapping trap and is as old as I am. Now, can we old people admit that although most of Wu-Tang was lyrical, ODB was no better than the mumble rappers we criticize today?
Kunta has finally accepted that Kavanaugh is in and there is nothing that can be done about it. I wonder why we even got here considering the only thing he was accused of, happened when he was a kid. He that is without high school sin, let him cast the first stone. Bette Midler cast a stone that hit black people.
Black On Both Sides Episode #136 Kunta changes his name for this episode to MetaKunta. He is all in for the Metaverse and wants...
The first half of our show is taken up by Kunta ruining Avengers endgame. So be careful between 9 minutes and 29 minutes. The...
Black On Both Sides Episode #75 To be honest, you don't really need show notes this week. We are talking about COVID-19 and the...