Black On Both Sides Episode #138
Kunta has done the unthinkable. He has put down his breaded chicken favorite for the plant based Beyond Chicken. Not really because who in the world that would eat a fried meat would care that it is meat? No one. My advice is that you have to enjoy some things in life and chicken should be one of them.
I almost forgot it was Black History Month. and we need to celebrate by shouting out someone who starred in one of the greatest black movies of all time...The Color Purple. Whoopi got no support from her people when she made a statement that the powers that be deemed inappropriate. Which is it? Believe all women or I'm rooting for everybody black? Neither I guess. Is her career over?
Finally there is talk in the NFL of games being thrown to the price of 100k per game. Brian Flores is using this outrage to propel his agenda to get more people of color into leadership jobs. The good old boys in the front offices are not happy. But maybe this is the fix the NFL needs.
The Flores Fix #BOBS138
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