Black On Both Sides Episode #128
OnlyFans reneges on their promise to clean up the internet of all things sex-worker. Kunta loves that I was wrong abut that. I guess when you are right so much of the time, proving me wrong feels like a celebration. Either way, congratulations to the culture for letting big-tech know that we need our porn.
Kanye finally releases his project but couldn't manage to do it without publicity stunt after publicity stunt. Did he want it released? Are Kim and him getting back together? Did he want to cancel DaBaby? Are those songs distorted? Has that 4-bar loop been playing for 11 minutes straight? Is he off his meds?
Who is more impactful as the soundtracks of our lives....Michael Jackson or R. Kelly? Both have had issues with minors. Both got hits on hits. Who are you riding with?
More deaths in Afghanistan. Meanwhile Joe is sleeping at the wheel. No seriously. he fell asleep at the wheel. Why didn't someone hit him on his celly? Was he also asleep when he thought it would be a good idea to have the Taliban in charge of evacuation security detail.
Asleep At The Wheel #BOBS128
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Episode #10 KingKunta is in the dojo alone (actually if he is ever in a dojo, he is always alone). However, he straps in...
Black On Both Sides Episode #102 Kunta got dentally outsourced an upon his arrival was told that they had already scheduled him for a...
Episode #24 Ice Cube drops an album that is considered his best in many years. But how did KingKunta invest his time? Listening to...