Black On Both Sides Episode #100
The day has come. We have breached the threshold and now enter into a group of shows that are actually the minority. We are a show that has reached its hundredth episode. Due to circumstances outside of our control, we had to record under limited technical abilities, however we recorded nonetheless. And for 2 hours…
On today’s docket: New releases, Old Beefs (MJ vs Hammer), Jordan vs Bo, Collector’s Items, Nerdy TV Shows, Them Boys, NFL Virus, Dirty Debate, Denouncing white supremacy, COVID-45, RBG and stealing the Supreme Court.
The Hundred #BOBS100
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Episode #21 My daughter drops in because she wanted to do our intro. KingKunta asks her to stay on past that and then does...
Episode #50 Happy 4th of July. I am proud to be an American. I think Kunta is too, even though he pretends to hate...
Black On Both Sides Episode #112 They call it Gorilla Glue for a reason. It is as strong as a gorilla. Just when you...